Sunday, June 9, 2013

Recipe: Spinach-Pear Smoothie

recipe, superfood, spinach, smoothie, drink, diy, healthy, vegetarian, pear, fiber
How much fiber are you getting everyday? FYI, women need 25 grams and men need a whopping 38 grams! I know my husband and I haven't been getting enough, so I've been trying to sneak in a little extra into every meal. I bought a fiber supplement and have been making more beans, which are ridiculously high in fiber. I get bored of beans, though, and tired of cooking, so we have smoothies a couple nights a week. They're a great way to get your veggies and fruit and they're fun to make!

This smoothie has some awesome superfoods in it and contains almost 9 grams of fiber. Drink up!

recipe, superfood, spinach, smoothie, drink, diy, healthy, vegetarian, pear, fiber 

½ cup milk or juice
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 cup spinach leaves
2 tsp fiber powder
1 small pear, chopped
¼ cup blueberries
¼ cup pineapple pieces
1 tsp chia seeds
½ scoop protein powder (optional)

recipe, superfood, spinach, smoothie, drink, diy, healthy, vegetarian, pear, fiber

1. In a blender, combine the milk/juice, lemon juice and spinach leaves. Blend till smooth.
2. Add fiber powder and blend
3. Add fruit, one portion at a time.
4. Throw in the remaining ingredients and blend it all up. Pour over ice and enjoy!

recipe, superfood, spinach, smoothie, drink, diy, healthy, vegetarian, pear, fiber


Anonymous said...

That sounds so tasty! I've been wanting to try smoothies with veggies in them and I want to sneak them to my son. :P I'm so bad though because I hate having to clean out the blender afterward, so I don't make too many smoothies at home. I do love them though! <3


Sandra McGrew said...

A friend of mine has been making smoothies lately and I think I'm going to try this recipe!! It's so hard to get those veggies everyday so this is a great idea!

Unknown said...

I agree with the lovehanger- this sounds tasty!!! And excellent point about women not getting enough fiber! Way to keep women informed! Always love your posts! XO!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this recipe! I have a hand blender but I've been meaning to buy a heavy-duty one so I can make smoothies like this. Can't have too many fruits and veggies, right?

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