Tuesday, July 17, 2012

illustrated: summer favorites

I can't begin to tell you the trouble I've had scanning this painting. I tried 4 different times, and there was always some weird event or computer malfunction that would prevent me from scanning it. The scanner is in my office and is connected to my bosses computer, which is entirely in Mandarin. That may have something to do with it...

A month later, and half way through the summer, I can finally publish my summer wish list! So far, I've acquired the denim vest, and even though I don't have the neon pink shorts yet, I probably have enough neon for one summer wardrobe. I would still like to add a pair of Salt Water Sandals, though. They're definitely a summer staple that will last for years! Lastly, stripes are always on my list. I just can't get enough of them! When I painted this, it was still cool and cloudy here (Seattle summer doesn't usually start till July 5th), so a long sleeved top made sense. Now it's way too warm and muggy, so the Breton-style top has been moved to my Fall wish list. Surprisingly, I don't own one yet!

What pieces have been your favorites so far this summer? Do you have anything on your Fall wish list yet?


Thrifted Shift said...

I'm totally with you on the striped top. I had a wool black and white boatneck sweater for the cold months and just recently picked up a cotton warm weather version. I've been wearing that thing practically every evening! And salt water sandals- definitely! I didn't know they were called that, but I've owned mine more than five years and they're starting to break down but still have lots of wear left in them! Glad you conquered the scanner!

Anonymous said...

The boss's computer is in Mandarin! No wonder. You'll love the Saltwater sandals. I've wanted them for 20 years and finally bought a pair this spring. And I was dumbstruck to learn you didn't have Breton stripes!

Anonymous said...

wow, did you paint that yourself? That's amazing! I have one pair of Salt Water Sandals I found at Crossroads one summer and I LOVE them. A white pair would be a must though. :) And surprisingly I don't have a striped top either. I can't decide if I want navy and white or black and white. And it's hard to find them in 3/4 sleeves. I'm also picky about fabric too because it is stripes. Maybe that's why I can't find one I like; I'm too picky! I've started compiling my fall wishlist though. :) <3


Ashley said...

So glad your scanning issues were resolved. Your sketches make some of my favorite posts! So far I've gotten my Fall bag and one pair of my Fall sandals (all during the summer sales). In Texas, we can wear sandals through October.

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