Monday, July 9, 2012

Recipe: Veggie Wraps

recipe, vegetarian, veggie wrap, diy, cooking, lunch ideas
As promised, here is a recipe using the bean spread from the post published on July 1st. 

By omitting the cheese and using the right tortillas, this recipe can also very easily be made vegan. If you don't swing that way, it's at least vegetarian.

P.S. By now, you probably all think I'm a vegan. I am not. Nor am I a vegetarian. I do, however, live by the idea that humans don't need meat everyday. I also have a lot of vegetarian/vegan friends, and find it easier to start with a veg recipe and then add animal parts/products when desired.


burrito-sized whole wheat tortillas
1 large tomato, thinly sliced
1 medium bell pepper, thinly sliced
½ cup sliced olives
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 cups leafy greens, any kind you like
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
4 tsp balsamic vinegar
Red pepper flakes, to taste

Note: You don't need to follow this to a T. Use as much or as little of any ingredient as you like.

1. Start by spreading about 2 to 3 tablespoons of bean spread on a tortilla. 

2. Place 3 slices of tomato on top of the bean spread, followed by 4 to 5 slices of bell pepper.

recipe, vegetarian, veggie wrap, diy, cooking, lunch ideas

3. Next, add a layer of onion and sprinkle with red pepper flakes, some Parmesan, and 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.

4. Add a 1/4 cup greens and the olives.

5. Roll and enjoy!

I made kale chips for the first time. They were so good! I used this recipe, with the addition of lemon juice and red pepper flakes.

I made a delicious discovery when making these wraps. My arugula went bad, so I decided to try beet greens in the wrap, and boy! are fresh beet greens delicious! They're really tender and kind of sweet. I highly recommend trying them in this wrap or in a salad.


dcresider said...

With a hubby that's a vegetarian, and a picky vegetarian at that, this sandwich looks awesome for me. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

I'm not vegan or vegetarian either, but I try to eat healthy when possible. Avocados are absolutely one of my favorite foods, so I put them on a lot of things. Unfortunately there are a lot of veggies I don't like even after trying them various ways, and so I have to get creative when it comes to healthy. But these wraps sounds good! <3


Thrifted Shift said...

This looks delicious and healthy!

mispapelicos said...

I am going to try today Catie, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It looks delicious!!!

mispapelicos said...

Where is your Pin it, so I can pin it on my Pinterest???

mispapelicos said...

I assume I was a follower of your blog from the beginning of times, but I have just checked, and I am not, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
No following and adding you to my blogroll dear catie.

Chandra said...

Oh my....I can taste the goodness now!

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I cannot wait to make this for lunch...thanks so much!

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