Friday, January 27, 2012

F21 Feature

Finally, all that money spent at Forever21 has paid off. LOL! j/k! But seriously, they were so kind as to feature me on The Skinny, which is Forever21's bloggity blog.

I am featured alongside 3 other lovely ladies, all of whom have much better picture quality! (I think it is high time I educate myself in the way of taking-nicer-photos). While I'm doing that, why don't you check it out!



Congratulation... You are on a roll. I believe this is your year to step out.

Collette Osuna said...

Congrats on your feature Sweets!

Happy weekend!

A Lifestyle Blog where Fashion, Décor & Cooking “connect”

Sarah | Cable Car Couture said...

Congrats on the fabulous feature, that's awesome! I just found you on Chictopia and was delighted to see that you live in Seattle as well. Great to connect :)

Cable Car Couture

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