Monday, October 7, 2013

The 1.2.3. Facial

This facial is simple, natural and perfect for every skin type! The only ingredients you need are skin-friendly oils and a bowl of steaming hot water. Jojoba oil works to break up make-up and dirt, all without stripping your skin of moisture. The lavender oil gently draws out impurities. The hot water works wonders for your skin, especially if you use a lot of make-up. It opens pores, breaks up dirt and oils, and, if you have allergies or a cold, it can do wonders for a stuffy head.

Follow these easy steps to gorgeous skin:

Step 1: Oil up
 Massage 1/4 tsp Jojoba oil and 2 drops lavender oil into your skin and let sit for 5 minutes

Step 2: Steam
Boil some water and then pour it into a bowl. Sitting at a table, place a clean towel over your head and the bowl. Relax and breathe deeply. (Scalding yourself is not relaxing, so be careful!) 

Step 3: Wash
Use warm water and a gentle face soap to wash it all away.

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