Thursday, October 10, 2013

Look of the Day: California Chambray

 Last weekend, I took a trip down to California to watch my mom argue her dissertation. She is now a doctor! I can't believe how far she's come, especially considering none of her siblings have a college degree. I am incredibly proud of her.

I, on the other hand, managed to cut myself on a loaf of bread. Obvi did not get her brain genes.

I was happy to have such a special occassion to wear my very first, hand-altered dress to. I actually sewed! I took the dress in at the waist, shortened the straps, and removed decorations on the bodice. It's not exactly the type of chambray dress I've been looking for (maxi shirtdress, please), but I still think it's lovely and I'm so proud of myself for sewing. I think I am getting more patient in my old age. 

American Deadstock sunglasses - GAP cardigan - Koshka polka dot clutch - Sam Edelman flats - vintage chambray dress


Thrifted Shift said...

I think this dress is lovely and cuter than the ones you linked to, no offense! I'm so curious as to what the original looked like! Really well done!

Unknown said...

Yay congratulations to your mom! That's a huge accomplishment! I think you looked so cute and casual in your chambray dress. You did a great job altering it. It's very 90s!

rosaria de caro said...

cute outfit ! love it !

Lubka Henry said...

Very cute denim piece

Lu ♥

Anonymous said...

Great job altering the dress! And congrats to your mom. That's a huge accomplishment.

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