Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I should take up sewing

A sewing machine (and the patience for sewing) would give me so many more possibilities when it came to creating outfits. For instance, this tent dress. Beautiful fabric, beautiful concept, but in the end I truly look like a tent. I have to have my hands in the pockets, gathering it up, at all times or I look like a circus. It's funny that the two characteristics that make the dress (the shape and polka dot pattern) are also its downfall. Oh, that, and shoddy construction (it's from GAP). Unfortunately, I don't have the mindset for sewing. I never have. I do have amazing patience when it comes to everything else, but if only I could sit down for a couple hours and adjust this dress somehow; make it more wearable.


minnja said...

Great, love it



Kara said...

I think this is great!! :)


broke in the OC said...

the dress looks fab when you gather it up like that! and the pairing with the scarf is stellar. you have a great eye for style!! =D


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I sew and if I didn't I wouldn't find many things thrifting. Most of the things I find, I need to fix or refashion. There are allot of great prints but the piece itself is not good. So it's nice to snip and sew it into something else.

Very chic look.


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