Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No excuse

I've been busy. The light is terrible. They'll just turn out crappy. It's too cold. I'm too tired. Etcetera.

I need to get back on the ball, even if all the photos have to be taken in my bedroom with my shitty flash. I will just have to pretend I'm in an American Apparel photo shoot (look forward to my new section "Catie Exploited!" Joking). Also, lets not even mention the fact that I forgot about posting last weeks Covet. Oh, and the week before. Ok, so I guess I do have an excuse for last week, but not for any other weeks. I'm blathering.

Anyway, it's cold here still. Above freezing, but so damp and chilly. Layering is key. I decided I needed more long sleeves in my life so I went and found some deals at a local thrift store. I bought the featured GAP turtleneck and a Merino turtleneck from Express's Design Studio (or something) for a whopping $7 total. Pretty sweet deal. I bought new earrings (that you can't really see) from one of my favorite local jewelry designers. The company is called Crow&Iris and they have a table at the Fremont Sunday Market, although this is not where I originally discovered their goods. The first pair of Crow&Iris earrings were purchased at Meadow, which I've mentioned before. They are one of my favorite pairs of earrings, so I was really excited to meet the designers.

Hope everyone has had a good start to their Holiday Season!

In these photos:
GAP turtleneck
American Apparel dress
Vintage leggings
Vince Camuto boots
Crow&Iris earrings


Erin said...

Hey Catie :)

Finally got a blog of my own so I can use this Google "follow" thing for your blog. Been reading it off and on for a while, I love it! :)

If you get curious, check out my blog, too! It's all about auditioning for drama schools and stuff, so a little different from fashion.


Kary Duarte said...

great look!!

C said...

Oh goodness, I LOVE those shoes!! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't ever feel obligated to post. I like the serendipity of seeing a post from you at random moments. I see that you are dealing with changes in the weather stylishly.

Kara said...

I love this look! I don't know what you're talking about with the pics- they turned out great! Can't believe that's an AA dress overtop! Awesome and very versatile! :)


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