Monday, January 7, 2013

DIY: Easy picture hanging

ampersand, decor, DIY, bedroom, how-to, picture, hanging, lifestyle, fleur d'elise

I am so bad with home projects, especially, when they involve tools. Mainly, I just don't have the patience, which I guess is kind of how I came up with this picture hanging technique. It doesn't require many materials, and you won't need any tools except for scissors.

ampersand, decor, DIY, bedroom, how-to, picture, hanging
 Another huge plus is that it doesn't involve anything heavy. The most dangerous thing is the thumbtack, so in the event of an earthquake (they're always a risk here in Seattle), the people sleeping under it won't have their heads smashed.

You will need:

1 thumbtack
1 spool of string
Small bulldog or binder clips
Art, photos, or postcards

1. Hold one end of your string to the ceiling and unspool until just about your headboard (or wherever you want it to end). Cut with scissors.

2. Firmly press your thumbtack into the wall, just before it meets the ceiling. Don't stick it in the ceiling. You'll find it's pretty hard to hang things from it.

3. Tie a small loop in one end of the string. Hang on thumbtack.

4. This next step takes a bit of concentration. Thread a clip onto your string and slide up to about the place you want it to hang. Thread the string back through again, so it's double wrapped, and tie a not to secure. 

5. Clip your first picture. This will help you decide where you want the second clip to hang.

ampersand, decor, DIY, bedroom, how-to, picture, hanging
6. Repeat Step 4. I wouldn't suggest hanging more than three pictures, as it might get to heavy for the tack to hold.
ampersand, decor, DIY, bedroom, how-to, picture, hanging, lifestyle, fleur d'elise

P.S. If you're wondering what the cards say, the top one has a line from a Dylan Thomas poem and the bottom card is lyrics from "Yellow" by Coldplay.


Boheme.Fille said...

This is such a cute idea! :)

Anonymous said...

Great DIY! That is so cute! :)

Cee said...

I'm not going to lie, I shudder a little when you mentionned the earthquake risk in Seattle... I really do not miss that part of living in the Pacific Northwest! Whether its for safety or something else, though, this is such a cute idea - and not damaging to drywall, which is a major plus. I just may have to test it!

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