I make little jars of bath salts almost every year. It's easy and cheap to assemble, and a lot of fun to customize! I use coarse "ice cream" salt, baking soda, and olive oil for my base, then add natural fragrance oils and herbs. Salt draws out toxins and helps soothe soar muscles, while baking soda is great for itchy, dry skin.
Here are some fragrance blends I like:
- Lavendar, clove, and tangerine (great for soothing headaches)
- Tangerine and clove are very festive
- Eucalyptus and mint for circulation and cedar is anti-fungal (great foot soak!)
- Lavender and extra baking soda for someone with sensitive skin
I find most of my essential oils at Super Supplements and a great store in Ballard called Danelion Botanical Company . They have great products at reasonable prices (note: Rose oil is NEVER reasonably priced, no matter where you get it)
You will need:
1+ cups of coarse salt
1 to 2 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp dried herbs (your choice)
1/2 tsp citrus zest (optional)
6+ drops essential oil
1 tsp Grapeseed or Olive Oil
A bowl and spoon for mixing
A jar, plastic bag, or other grease-proof container
Add the herbs (here I use peppermint tea) to the salt.
Now add citrus zest, if you are using it. I would recommend chopping it into tiny pieces so it's less likely to clog your drain (forgot to do that in the pictures!)
Stir the herbs and zest together, then add the grapeseed or olive oil. Mix until evenly distributed. Now add the drops of essential oil. You can add more or less, depending on your preference. Mix well.
Sprinkle the baking soda over the mix and stir to combine.
Lastly, spoon the mixture into your bag or container. I like these little decorative cellophane bags, especially since they won't shatter if dropped in the shower!
Note: If you choose to use peppermint oil instead of tea, limit it to 2 drops. I have ruined many baths by putting in too much peppermint oil. My! Does it burn!
SUCH a good idea! I'm moving into a place with a huge bath in the new year and I'll be trying it for sure!
Virginie ♥
This is such a lovely present. I really like giving handmade gifts! I haven't tried bathy stuff yet though.
I'm not sure how much essential oils are at SS, but the cheapest place I have found to get essential oils and fresh herbs/spices is at Pike Place Market. There is this little shop that sells incense and other things, and pretty much all of their oils are $5 or less. Way cheaper than I have seen anywhere else. Also - this sounds amazing. I want some. :)
hi! i just found your blog and i wanted to say that i LOVE your hair. it is so pretty. :D
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