Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've been slowly compiling reviews of all the different daily outfit communities that I use. Today seems like a good day to share them with you. It's another cool, gray day. We have had a total of 78 minutes worth of 80 degree weather. I must say, the mildest winter I've ever seen!

On to the reviews!

This site is what got me started. They're a wonderful community. I've met so many great people there! It can be hard to get your photos into the Style Gallery, which is for photos that the staff at Chictopia choose based on some complicated qualifications, but everyone's photos are always visible in the New Photos section. At Chictopia, the rule is kinda of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." You can vote for photos, but you don't rate them, nor can you take away votes. It all makes for a happy, positive, inspiring experience.

I use this website occasionally, but it is definitely not my go-to. First off, photos load really slowly. They require photos be at least 2000x1500, which is HUMONGOUS. Most other websites only require 600x400. This can be a problem when you've set all of your photos to 600x400. They also have very specific feature themes and your photos must go through approval before they are included in a thematic category. You can just upload photos to your profile, but if you actually want people to look at them, you need to get them into a feature category. Another thing I don't like is that they have a rating system. You are in competition to get featured, so you rate other people's photos and they can rate yours. It's on a scale of 1 to 5. One means "No" and 5 means "Perfect". What I've noticed is that girls vote others' photos down in the hopes of making their own ratings look higher. This kind of system tends to bring out the mean in people, and it's the reason Chictopia got rid of it years ago.
This place is for those of you who are too cool for school. Everyone seems like they are part of the It Crowd and nicely enough, they make you feel like you are part of it, too. Sometimes it seems everyone dresses the same (peer pressure is plentiful), but for the most part, it's a great site. It's easy to see others' photos and in turn other people see your photos. This site is definitely user friendly. It's easy to hype photos and easy to post looks. There are 3 categories of photo galleries: Hot, New, and Top. From what I gather, Hot is similar to being featured and Top is for photos with the highest votes. New is self-explanatory. I highly recommend joining this site, if you haven't already for two main reasons: to get your style noticed and to get inspired!

This site is a little weird. It's still up and running and there's someone who chooses photos for the Featured section, but other than that, this site seems pretty dead. There are no contests and they haven't chosen a Spotlight Member in almost a year. There are still a lot of users, but it's definitely not as active a community as the other sites I mentioned above. Still, it's another site to post your outfits on, so you may want to think about joining.

In this outfit:
American Apparel dress & petticoat
H&M flower pin
Payless peep-toes
Belt is borrowed from an H&M dress



Great review I'm thinking of joining lookbook.

Julia said...

Great reviews, I think you've summed up each of these sites well.
Love your dress & how you've styled it, especially with the petticoat <3

Thick Threads said...

i love your dress its so cute! love love it! you look great as always!


ps. i discovered you on chictopia a while back! am so glad that i did! youre fabulous :)

Thick Threads said...

i love your dress its so cute! love love it! you look great as always!


ps. i discovered you on chictopia a while back! am so glad that i did! youre fabulous :)

This Charming Style said...

Great review, this has really helped me! I joined lookbook but I never got time to properly do it. Your outfit is gorgeous by the way :)

Ashley said...

Love this look! The petticoat is perfection under the tank dress. Thanks so much for reviewing the sights. I've been considering lookbook as per your suggestion. Still a fan of chictopia!

Anonymous said...

I haven't used any of these sites other than Chictopia, although I think I'm a bit too old for it. But, it did lead to me starting my own blog and I still visit there occasionally. I like it.

Isabel Hendrix said...

Nice reviews.. I am only on lookbook.. but I have looked at the others. you always look cute in your AA clothing! I wish I could afford some of the things there ^-^

Unknown said...

It's nice to hear others thoughts on these sites. The only one I currently use is Weardrobe, and that's because I found it the least like a popularity contest...but that may be the same reason it has kinda "died down"...perhaps I need to give Chictopia another's the only other community that I've joined.

PS. Love this dress/petticoat combo!

Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

Aubrey said...

Thank you for this. I saw you on Weardrobe and liked your look. I have been debating where to devote my on Weardrobe and Chictopia but aren't jazzed about either. This post came at the perfect time. Thanks so much!

Oh and congrats on Glamour! Good for you!


Unknown said...

Good reviews, I would say that's totally accurate. Have you tried Chicisimo? I think it definitely favors a certain Spanish hot girl look but it's still another site and if you're already posting on a bunch of others, then what's another one...

bea said...

You look so pretty !!!

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